How to preserve flowers

I want to keep some flowers to take this knowledge to keep the flowers to leave each other ...

1. Let it dry naturally. Clutching a bouquet of flowers as a small bundle 50-10, then hung upside down. I spoke to. Should not be hung to dry in direct sunlight.

2. The dried flowers can be replaced by a book store. But before you store it into a book. Flowers should be cut. The dried flowers can be used to make cards, bookmarks. And much more.

3. Desiccant. Silica gel using a fine grain (of sand).
How do you want from the flowers. Dried, then cut the stem off about 1 inch in length to a minimum. Then find a container.Large enough to fit like a flower that was. Silica gel into a container with about 1 / 2 - 1 inch embroidered flowers on the silica gel prepared and gently spoon the filling into the silica gel around the flowers and the petals. Be careful not to fold the petals. The flowers floods drown it.